Best Ranking Benchmark Apps for Android and iOS in 2024

Best Ranking Benchmark Apps for Android and iOS in 2024. “Discover the top-ranking benchmark apps for Android and iOS in 2024! Uncover the most reliable tools to measure your device’s performance and compare it with the best in the market. Stay ahead with the latest in tech evaluation and optimization.”


In conclusion, navigating the dynamic landscape of mobile technology requires reliable benchmarks to assess device performance accurately. The exploration of the best-ranking benchmark apps for Android and iOS in 2024 has unveiled a diverse array of tools designed to empower users with comprehensive insights. From CPU and GPU performance to battery efficiency and beyond, these apps offer invaluable metrics for optimizing user experience and making informed purchasing decisions.

Furthermore, the evolution of benchmarking technology reflects the relentless pursuit of excellence within the mobile industry. As devices continue to push the boundaries of innovation, benchmark apps serve as essential companions, providing users with the means to gauge performance advancements and identify areas for improvement. In this way, they contribute not only to individual device optimization but also to the collective progress of mobile technology as a whole.

Moreover, the significance of benchmarking extends beyond individual users to encompass broader implications for the tech ecosystem. By establishing standards of performance and reliability, benchmark apps foster healthy competition among manufacturers, driving innovation and raising the bar for industry standards. As a result, consumers benefit from a diverse range of high-quality devices that continually push the boundaries of what is possible.

Additionally, the proliferation of benchmark apps underscores the democratization of technology evaluation, empowering users of all backgrounds to make informed decisions about their devices. Whether a seasoned tech enthusiast or a casual smartphone user, access to reliable benchmarking tools levels the playing field, ensuring that everyone can maximize the potential of their devices and stay abreast of technological advancements.

In essence, the exploration of the best-ranking benchmark apps for Android and iOS in 2024 reaffirms the indispensable role of these tools in the modern mobile landscape. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, these apps stand as beacons of reliability, guiding users through the ever-changing terrain of mobile performance and facilitating a deeper understanding of the devices we rely on daily.

Best Ranking Benchmark Apps for Android and iOS in 2024

Benchmarking apps are essential tools for evaluating the performance of your smartphone, whether it’s running on Android or iOS. These apps help you understand the capabilities of your device, identify performance issues, and compare it against other models. As of 2024, here are some of the best-ranking benchmark apps for both Android and iOS.

1. AnTuTu Benchmark


AnTuTu Benchmark is one of the most popular and comprehensive benchmarking tools available. It evaluates a wide range of performance metrics, including CPU, GPU, memory, and storage.

Key Features

  • Detailed Performance Scores: Provides scores for CPU, GPU, memory, and UX, giving a holistic view of the device’s performance.
  • 3D Benchmarks: Includes tests for 3D graphics performance, which are crucial for gaming.
  • Cross-Platform Comparisons: Allows comparisons between Android and iOS devices.


  • Widely used and trusted.
  • Regular updates to reflect the latest hardware and software advancements.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • Some concerns about consistency across different devices and versions.

2. Geekbench


Geekbench is another well-regarded benchmarking tool that focuses on CPU and GPU performance. It’s known for its simplicity and ease of use.

Key Features

  • Multi-Core Testing: Assesses the performance of both single-core and multi-core processors.
  • Cross-Platform: Available for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux, allowing for extensive comparisons.
  • Compute Benchmark: Tests the capabilities of the GPU for compute tasks.


  • Simple and straightforward interface.
  • Consistent results across platforms.
  • Comprehensive test suite for both CPU and GPU.


  • Lacks some of the detailed testing features found in other apps.

3. 3DMark


3DMark by UL Benchmarks is specifically designed to test the gaming performance of a device, focusing heavily on GPU benchmarks.

Key Features

  • Game Performance Testing: Includes benchmarks that simulate real gaming scenarios.
  • Cross-Platform: Supports Android, iOS, Windows, and other platforms.
  • Regular Updates: Keeps up with the latest advancements in graphics technology.


  • Highly detailed graphics benchmarks.
  • Ideal for gamers and those interested in GPU performance.
  • Consistent and reliable results.


  • Less focus on CPU and overall system performance.

4. GFXBench


GFXBench is another powerful benchmarking tool focused on GPU performance, but it also includes tests for CPU and battery life.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform: Supports Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Battery Tests: Evaluates the impact of gaming on battery life.
  • Real-World Tests: Simulates real-world gaming and graphics scenarios.


  • Detailed and varied graphics tests.
  • Includes battery performance metrics.
  • Cross-platform support.


  • Interface can be a bit complex for beginners.

5. PCMark for Android and iOS


PCMark offers a holistic approach to benchmarking, assessing overall system performance rather than just focusing on CPU or GPU.

Key Features

  • Work 3.0 Benchmark: Tests performance in everyday tasks like web browsing, video editing, and document writing.
  • Battery Life Testing: Provides detailed battery life assessments.
  • Storage Tests: Evaluates storage performance.


  • Comprehensive testing across multiple aspects of device performance.
  • Useful for users interested in general performance rather than gaming specifics.
  • Detailed battery and storage tests.


  • Not as focused on high-end GPU performance as some other tools.

6. Basemark GPU


Basemark GPU is a benchmarking tool that provides detailed GPU performance metrics, designed to support a wide range of devices and APIs.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform: Supports Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Vulkan, OpenGL, and Metal Support: Tests across different graphics APIs.
  • Detailed Reports: Provides in-depth performance reports.


  • Supports a wide range of graphics APIs.
  • Detailed and comprehensive GPU testing.
  • Cross-platform capabilities.


  • Less focus on CPU and overall system performance.

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In conclusion, the journey through the realm of benchmarking apps for Android and iOS in 2024 has illuminated the importance of performance evaluation in the ever-evolving world of mobile technology. These benchmarking tools serve as indispensable companions, offering users valuable insights into the capabilities and limitations of their devices. From assessing CPU and GPU performance to scrutinizing battery efficiency and thermal management, these apps provide a holistic view of a device’s performance metrics, empowering users to make informed decisions about their mobile experiences.

Furthermore, the landscape of benchmarking apps reflects the relentless innovation driving the mobile industry forward. With each new iteration, these apps push the boundaries of what is possible, leveraging advancements in technology to deliver more accurate and comprehensive assessments. As a result, users can trust that the benchmarking tools at their disposal are equipped to keep pace with the ever-increasing demands of modern mobile devices.

Moreover, the proliferation of benchmarking apps underscores the democratization of technology evaluation, ensuring that users of all backgrounds have access to the tools they need to optimize their mobile experiences. Whether a tech enthusiast seeking to push their device to its limits or a casual user simply looking to ensure smooth performance, benchmarking apps cater to a diverse range of needs and preferences, empowering everyone to unlock the full potential of their devices.

Additionally, the competitive landscape of benchmarking apps fosters healthy competition among developers, driving continuous improvement and innovation in the field. As developers strive to outdo one another with features, accuracy, and usability, users ultimately benefit from a wealth of options, each vying to provide the most reliable and insightful performance metrics.

In essence, the exploration of the best-ranking benchmark apps for Android and iOS in 2024 reaffirms their indispensable role in the mobile ecosystem. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, these tools remain essential guides, helping users navigate the complexities of device performance and ensuring that they can make the most of their mobile experiences, now and in the future.

How do I benchmark my PC in 2024?

The best place to start is with Cinnabench 2024. Because it’s entirely free at a conference. Mark both your CPU and GPU, do a 10-minute stress test on each, then utilize temperature monitoring software like HW. Check your temps to ensure they are within acceptable limits.

What is the AnTuTu score for iPhone 13 2024?

AnTuTu benchmark score for Apple iPhone 13 is 803254 (Overall Performance). AnTuTu CPU score for Apple iPhone 13 is 214497 and GPU score is 340520. AnTuTu Memory score for Apple iPhone 13 is 116923 and UX score is 131314.

Is Cinebench 2024 free?

Cinebench is free software designed to evaluate your system’s CPU & GPU abilities; the latest version can be downloaded from

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