Best Wunderlist Alternatives For Android In 2024

Best Wunderlist Alternatives For Android In 2024. Discover the best Wunderlist alternatives for Android in 2024. Explore top task management apps like Microsoft To Do, Todoist, TickTick,, Google Keep, and Asana to enhance your productivity and organization.


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital productivity tools, finding the right task management app can make a significant difference in how effectively we organize our personal and professional lives. With the discontinuation of Wunderlist, users have been on the lookout for reliable alternatives that not only replicate its functionality but also offer enhanced features to streamline their workflows. The year 2024 brings a plethora of options, each with its unique strengths and capabilities, catering to various needs and preferences. This comprehensive guide explores the best Wunderlist alternatives available for Android, helping you make an informed choice to boost your productivity.

Microsoft To Do emerges as a natural successor to Wunderlist, particularly for users embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem. Developed by Microsoft, this app integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft services, providing a cohesive and powerful task management experience. With features like cross-platform sync, daily planners, and robust collaboration tools, Microsoft To Do ensures that users can efficiently manage their tasks and projects across all their devices. Whether you are a student, professional, or homemaker, its intuitive interface and extensive functionality make it a top contender in the productivity app arena.

For those seeking a more customizable and feature-rich alternative, Todoist stands out as a powerful contender. Known for its clean interface and comprehensive task management capabilities, Todoist caters to both personal and professional needs. The app offers advanced features such as labels, filters, and a productivity tracking system that motivates users through a Karma points mechanism. Its ability to integrate with a wide range of third-party apps makes Todoist a versatile tool for managing tasks, projects, and deadlines, ensuring that users stay on top of their commitments.

TickTick offers a holistic approach to productivity by combining task management with habit tracking and calendar integration. This versatile app allows users to create tasks, set priorities, and track their habits all in one place. Its unique features, such as a built-in Pomodoro timer and detailed calendar views, make it an excellent choice for users who want to manage their time and tasks more effectively. With its collaborative capabilities and intuitive design, TickTick is ideal for individuals and teams looking to enhance their productivity in a structured manner.

Lastly, and Google Keep provide simplicity and ease of use, making them suitable for users who prefer a straightforward task management solution. offers a sleek interface and essential features such as voice entry and daily planners, while Google Keep integrates seamlessly with Google services, allowing users to create notes and lists effortlessly. For those managing complex projects, Asana provides a robust set of tools for project and task management, making it a preferred choice for teams. Each of these apps brings something unique to the table, ensuring that you can find the perfect tool to suit your needs and preferences in the quest for enhanced productivity.

Finding a robust task management app can significantly enhance productivity and organization, particularly on Android devices. With the discontinuation of Wunderlist, users have had to seek alternatives that match or exceed its functionality. In 2024, several standout apps provide a wealth of features designed to keep users on top of their to-do lists, projects, and schedules. Here is a detailed exploration of the best Wunderlist alternatives for Android:

1. Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To Do is a direct successor to Wunderlist, developed by Microsoft after acquiring Wunderlist. It seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft services, making it a powerful tool for those already in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • Cross-Platform Sync: Syncs across all devices, including Android, iOS, Windows, and web.
  • Task Management: Create tasks, add due dates, set reminders, and categorize tasks into lists.
  • My Day Feature: Focus on daily priorities with a dedicated “My Day” list that refreshes every day.
  • Integration: Integrates with Microsoft 365, Outlook, and other Microsoft applications for a cohesive experience.
  • Collaboration: Share lists and tasks with others for collaborative projects.


  • Excellent integration with Microsoft products.
  • User-friendly interface with customization options.
  • Robust free version.


  • Limited advanced features compared to some competitors.
  • Dependency on Microsoft ecosystem might not appeal to all users.

2. Todoist

Todoist is a powerful task management app known for its clean interface and robust feature set. It’s suitable for both personal and professional use, offering tools to manage tasks effectively.

Key Features:

  • Task Management: Organize tasks into projects, sub-tasks, and sections.
  • Labels and Filters: Use labels and filters to categorize tasks and find them quickly.
  • Karma System: Motivation through a productivity tracking system.
  • Integration: Connects with hundreds of apps including Google Calendar, Dropbox, and Slack.
  • Collaboration: Share projects and tasks with team members, assign tasks, and track progress.


  • Highly customizable with advanced task management features.
  • Strong integration capabilities.
  • Motivational elements to encourage productivity.


  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription.
  • Learning curve for new users.

3. TickTick

TickTick is a versatile task management app that combines to-do lists, habit tracking, and calendar integration. It’s designed for users looking for a comprehensive productivity solution.

Key Features:

  • Task and Subtask Management: Create tasks, subtasks, set priorities, and deadlines.
  • Calendar View: Integrate with calendars to see tasks and events in one place.
  • Habit Tracker: Track habits and routines alongside tasks.
  • Pomodoro Timer: Built-in Pomodoro timer to boost productivity.
  • Collaboration: Share lists and tasks, assign responsibilities, and collaborate in real-time.


  • Combines task management with habit tracking and calendar features.
  • User-friendly interface with a variety of views.
  • Strong free version with essential features.


  • Some advanced features are locked behind a premium subscription.
  • Can feel overwhelming with the sheer number of features.


Overview: is a sleek, intuitive task manager that offers robust functionality for managing tasks, lists, and reminders. Its design and ease of use make it a popular choice among users looking for simplicity and efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Task and List Management: Create tasks, set reminders, and organize tasks into lists.
  • Daily Planner: Plan your day with a daily planner that organizes tasks and events.
  • Integration: Sync with calendars, email, and other third-party apps.
  • Voice Entry: Add tasks using voice commands.
  • Collaboration: Share lists and tasks, assign tasks, and work together with others.


  • Intuitive and visually appealing interface.
  • Easy to use with powerful basic features.
  • Integration with popular apps and services.


  • Limited customization options compared to some competitors.
  • Advanced features require a premium subscription.

5. Google Keep

Google Keep is a note-taking app that doubles as a task manager, offering a simple yet effective way to keep track of tasks and notes. It’s ideal for users looking for a lightweight, easy-to-use solution integrated with Google’s ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • Notes and Lists: Create notes, checklists, and reminders.
  • Labels and Colors: Organize notes with labels and color-coding.
  • Voice Notes: Add voice notes and have them transcribed.
  • Collaboration: Share notes and lists with others for collaborative work.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Google Drive and other Google services.


  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Strong integration with Google services.
  • Free to use with robust basic features.


  • Limited advanced task management features.
  • More suited for casual users than power users.

6. Asana

Asana is a powerful project management tool that also serves as a robust task manager. It’s designed for teams and individuals looking to manage complex projects and workflows.

Key Features:

  • Task and Project Management: Create tasks, subtasks, projects, and assign responsibilities.
  • Timeline and Calendar: Visualize project timelines and deadlines.
  • Custom Fields: Add custom fields to tasks for more detailed tracking.
  • Integration: Connects with a variety of apps including Slack, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams.
  • Collaboration: Comprehensive tools for team collaboration and communication.


  • Excellent for managing complex projects and workflows.
  • Strong collaboration and integration features.
  • Highly customizable.


  • Can be overwhelming for users looking for simple task management.
  • Advanced features are behind a premium subscription.

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With Wunderlist no longer available, finding a reliable alternative for managing tasks on Android devices has become essential. In 2024, there are several top-notch apps that can effectively replace Wunderlist, offering similar features and even more advanced functionalities. These alternatives not only help in organizing tasks but also enhance productivity through their intuitive interfaces and robust features.

One of the best alternatives is Microsoft To Do. As a direct successor to Wunderlist, Microsoft To Do inherits many of its predecessor’s features while integrating seamlessly with other Microsoft services. Users can create detailed task lists, set reminders, and collaborate with others, making it a versatile tool for both personal and professional use. The app’s clean and straightforward interface makes it easy to manage daily tasks without any hassle.

Another excellent option is Todoist. Renowned for its powerful task management capabilities, Todoist stands out with its ability to handle complex projects and sub-tasks efficiently. It supports various platforms and integrates with numerous third-party applications, providing a cohesive and flexible task management experience. The app also offers advanced features like natural language processing for quick task entry and productivity tracking, which helps users stay on top of their schedules.

TickTick is also a noteworthy mention, offering a well-rounded task management solution. It combines task management with a built-in Pomodoro timer, habit tracker, and calendar integration, making it a comprehensive productivity tool. TickTick’s intuitive design and user-friendly features cater to both individual users and teams, ensuring that everyone can stay organized and productive. With its customizable interface and seamless synchronization across devices, TickTick is a robust choice for anyone looking to replace Wunderlist.

Is there an app similar to Wunderlist?

ClickUp has wowed project managers all around the world with its amazing collaboration tools and numerous customization options. Furthermore, ClickUp is the greatest Wunderlist replacement accessible today.

Is Wunderlist any good?

Bottom Line: Consistent functionality across platforms makes this a great tool for managing tasks and deadlines as long as it stays in use.

What is Wunderlist being replaced with? is the greatest alternative to Wunderlist, followed by ClickUp, Notion, Trello, and Todoist. If you are seeking for a free alternative to Wunderlist, ClickUp is the best option. Trello and Todoist are also worthy of consideration.

What is the new app from Wunderlist?


A true heir to Wunderlist

The app is called Superlist. Created by the same people who made the once-popular Wunderlist (since acquired and killed by Microsoft), Superlist is a beautiful all-in-one space for your tasks, reminders, and more.

Can I still access Wunderlist?

Microsoft bought Wunderlist and shut it down on May 6, 2020. That’s when users stopped being able to update or edit lists or tasks.

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